We all want to make an impact.
How will you?

By supporting Fresh Films, you are helping to:

Increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the rapidly growing media and entertainment industry by preparing underestimated diverse youth for jobs in that sector

Increase awareness of jobs in film and media that go well beyond director to the hundreds of jobs across this high-growth industry: Development, Below the line crew, Artisan, Tech, Marketing, Distribution, Exhibition, Accounting

Build additional youth development (social and emotional learning) skills that are needed for future success in any field including problem solving, communication, leadership, understanding, collaboration, resilience, grit, and empathy.


Our diverse participants are of all ethnicities, genders, and backgrounds and are 66% youth of color, 57% female, and 55% from lower resourced neighborhoods. To be as accessible as we can, our programs are always free and students do not need previous experience or a particular GPA, just a commitment to learn and collaborate.


Give Today!

Your support enables us to offer our year-round weekly after-school film careers pathway at 24 locations to teach narrative and documentary fundamentals as well as our summer intensive “level up” where diverse youth gain over 100 hours of on set credentials and hands-on experience working on an actual TV show or film set. Plus, your support also enables us to solidify internships and apprenticeships with our partner companies, as part of our Level 3 of the program!

By participating in our program, young creators learn to work together to complete a project, they grow their network, see outside of their community and build dynamic life and SEL skills that help soar their future. 91% of participants have said that they have built or improved essential skills, with the top three skills of collaboration, time management, and communication, showing Fresh Films goes well beyond just teaching tech skills. So even teens who realize film is not for them, have still gained skills for success in any career.


Additional research with participants shows:

85% said they increased technical skills

84.7% stated they can better think outside the box

81.8% stated they can better lead a team or project (42.4% cited much higher ability)

85% of participants reported an increase in self confidence

70% reported an increase in their enthusiasm for school

87.8% reported having a greater respect for other people’s opinions

69% said they are more likely to try new things

61% said they are more likely to speak up in a group

78% said they had increased communications skills

91% of teens said participating in Fresh Films helped them develop a plan for continuing their education or securing a career they want.

86% said they learned about new career options including internships, apprenticeships and other opportunities to gain work experience

86% said they learned about degrees or credentials that will help them get a well-paying job


Support Fresh Films today and make an impact with tomorrow’s youth!

Thank You!